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WWW to NON-WWW Redirect

Check Overview

What is this check?

The www to non-www check ensures that the www version of your URL redirects correctly (or visa versa!)

www to non www Check Basic Interface

Why is this important?

If the redirect isn't working then you've got two copies of your website which visitors can get to, now Google is a lot better about duplicate content but for the sake of a few lines of code, why wouldn't you redirect?

Advanced Usage

Default Rules

The WWW to NON-WWW check is pretty self explanatory and expects to go to the same URL but the WWW version.

Changing the expected URL

If for SOME reason you wanted it to go to another URL, you can override the expected URL (to an exact URL or a regular expression).

WWW to NON-WWW Advanced Interface

But I want more!

Sure thing! Send us a message on with what you want to be able to configure and we will see what we can do!