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Header Tags

Check Overview

What is this check?

This check is actually five separate checks that allow you to monitor the individual H1 - H5 tags on a page.

Header Tags Check Basic Interface

Why is this important?

Header Tags are used to denote important information on the page. When a visitor (and search engine) looks at your page, the headers are used to mark important aspects that they should be looking at.

Advanced Usage

The default settings will notify you when ANY changes affect your specific header tag but sometimes that can be a little overwhelming.

Little Warden has lots of rules you can enable to ensure you are alerted under specific circumstances.

Header Tags Check Advanced Interface


We realise that these rules can be a little overwhelming at first.

Contains the text

Looks for the specific text in the Header Tag.

Does not contain the text

Looks for the specific text in the not Header Tag.

Has any changes

Well, this may be a bit complicated but this alerts if there are...erm... any changes.

Does not match the regex

If your Header Tag has a specific structure such as "PRODUCT NAME - OFFER ", you can be alerted if the header tag no longer matches it.

Matches the regex

You can look for specific issues or error codes in the Header Tag. You can use this to look for specific ones.

Contains a number above

If there is a number detected that is above a certain number.

Contains a number below

If there is a number detected that is below a certain number.

Contains a number changed by more than x %

If there is a number that changes by more than x (where x is a percentage).

Has a character count less than

If the number of characters in the header tag falls below x, alert me.

Has a character count more than

If the number of characters in the header tag goes above x, alert me.

Is blank

Blank? That sounds like something has gone wrong.

Appears More than x

If the number of specific header tags (e.g. H2) on the page is more than x.

Appears less than x

If the number of specific header tags (e.g. H2) on the page is less than x.

But I want more!

Sure thing! Send us a message on with what you want to be able to configure and we will see what we can do!